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Heap Hero
World-class heap Dump analysis - Java, Android memory dump analyzer
How much memory your application wastes? Due to inefficient programming, modern applications waste 30% to 70% of memory. HeapHero is the industry's first tool to detect the amount of wasted memory. It reports what lines of source code originating the memor
- REST API도 있다! 사이즈 제한이 있는것이 좀 흠이긴 하지만, 이걸로 heap dump 분석 -> 애용하는 messenger로 바로 분석된 결과물을 볼 수 있도록 자동화 하는 방법도 좋을듯!
- https://blog.heaphero.io/2018/06/22/heap-dump-analysis-api/
Android, JVM Heap dump analysis doesn’t have to be done manually (painfully) anymore. You can programmatically analyze Heap dumps through our REST API. Below are the few use cases where our heap du…
Thread Dump Analysis REST API In this modern world, thread dumps are still analyzed in a tedious & manual mode. i.e., Operations engineer captures thread dumps from the production servers; then he transmits those files to developers. Developers use thread
설치 필요 O
IntelliJ (유료버전)
Create and open memory snapshots | IntelliJ IDEA
- 현재 사용하고있는 IDE 툴에서 바로 분석도 가능! 하지만 MAT에 익숙한 사용자라면, 뭔가 부족함을 느낄수도..
- 유료 버전만 지원
Memory Analyzer (MAT)
Eclipse Memory Analyzer Open Source Project | The Eclipse Foundation
The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 415 open source projects, including runtimes, tools and frameworks.
- mac도 지원함!
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