
Kotlin's Experimental features (from Kotlin Everywhere Seoul 2019 event)

bandal-gom 2019. 9. 29. 22:46

My notes from Kotlin Everywhere Seoul 2019 event

Experimental Features

inline class

  • avoids extra object allocation
  • wrapper for only one value, no mutable property


  • allows to share extra information about the function behaviors with the compiler.
  • Why can't compiler infer such information?
    • the inferred information...
      • can be implicitly change
      • can break the code
  • provides explicit behavior for the compiler
  • DSL will change (syntax) in the future

Immutable Collections

  • (before) despite it is read-only, the content can be changed by others who has the access to the reference.
  • (after the change) there will be a new interface added "PersistentList" and it supports modification.
  • ImmutableList is going to be "truly immutable"
  • List that is created by PersistentList, shares the same data structure with the List.
  • (side note) Similar languages like Scala, shares the same concepts about the immutable collections.


  • what is it? → suspend-based reactive stream
  • reactive stream vs coroutine
    • if you have streams of events, data ⇒ reactive stream (Flow)
    • asynchronous programming ⇒ coroutine
  • Integration with RxJava
    • Publisher < - > Flow
    • interchangeable
  • Back pressure: automatically works
  • Flows brings reactive streams to coroutine library.
  • it is going to be stable REAL SOON

Multi-platform projects

  • what is it? → shares the common code between different platforms / shares business logic
  • it is NOT the concept that has only one set of code for every platform.
  • common code
    • can define expect for the common code
    • define actual for platform-specific codes to implement using their own platform languages
    • can use other multi-platform libraries


  • 12/4-6 KotlinConf in Copenhagen
    • expect some cool presentations about the multi-platform projects

Presentation slide
